Is your organisation a digital leader? Or a digital follower? Find out what that means and how to improve your digital culture.


Is your organisation a digital leader?
Or a digital follower? Find out what
that means and how to improve
your digital culture.


Call 0808 258 7768 to chat with our expert team


Large businesses with strong digital cultures see greater growth in revenue and employment

Between 2021 and 2023, large businesses with strong digital cultures outperformed those with weaker digital cultures on everything from revenue to headcount growth and more.


This is according to our latest work with the Centre for Economics and Business Research Cebr), which explores the impact of digital culture on different types of organisations.


The research also found that large businesses that were ‘digital leaders’ – they’ve invested strongly in digital technology – reported greater productivity and increased customer satisfaction throughout 2021 to 2023.


We’ve put together some useful insights to help large businesses like yours improve their digital culture and prove the value of boldly investing in digital change.


What does the latest digital culture research say about large businesses?






Just two of the benefits large businesses could have achieved through faster digital change between 2021 and 2023. See the impact of digital culture on large businesses and how you can unlock the potential in our latest guide.


What does the latest digital culture
research say about large businesses?

Just two of the benefits large
businesses could have achieved
through faster digital change
between 2021 and 2023. See the
impact of digital culture on large
businesses and how you can unlock
the potential in our latest guide.


Technology usage by organisation size
(ranked out of 10):







Technology usage by organisation size (ranked out of 10):


Most cited reason for
digital investment:


Most cited reason for digital investment:


Get the latest digital culture insight for large
businesses, what they mean and how you
could unlock growth opportunities.





Get the latest digital culture insight for large businesses, what they mean and how you could unlock growth opportunities.


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With decades of experience in digital change,
our people work side-by-side with yours to
understand exactly what you’ll get in return
for your investments. You can see some of
the most common benefits below.


Set productivity free

Less reliance on ageing tech means less time waiting for apps to load or wasting hours on the phone to IT and more time focussing on the job.


Create happier customers

Providing a faster, more efficient, more personal service means you’re not just creating better customer experiences, you’re building brand loyalty.


See your revenue grow

Quicker, more effective ways of working can boost efficiency, cut costs and keep your customers happy so they keep on buying from you.


With decades of experience in digital change,
our people work side-by-side with yours to
understand exactly what you’ll get in return
for your investments. You can see some of
the most common benefits below.


Set productivity free

Less reliance on ageing tech means less time waiting for apps to load or wasting hours on the phone to IT and more time focussing on the job.


Create happier customers

Providing a faster, more efficient, more personal service means you’re not just creating better customer experiences, you’re building brand loyalty.


See revenue grow

Quicker, more effective ways of working can boost efficiency, cut costs and keep your customers happy so they keep on buying from you.


Want to improve

your digital culture?

From digital workshops to tailored
solution advice. Our expert team
is ready to help.


Want to improve your
digital culture?

    From digital workshops to tailored solution
   advice. Our expert team is ready to help.


From improving your network to embracing the cloud, we have a bunch of different ways to help you adopt the latest workplace tech and boost your digital culture. Hit the links below to learn more.


*CeBR research showed large businesses could have generated £56.1 billion extra turnover and created 395,000 new jobs between 2021-2023 by adapting faster digital change.